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Visitors 672
18 photos
This set of photographs shows glazing percentages, lot widths, walkway widths, awning depth and height, setbacks, building heights, fence heights, etc., with their measurements. Such pictures are useful in presentations, to help dispel fears about how these numbers in codes would affect built results.

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Sponsored by
Center for Applied Transect Studies (CATS)
Photographed by
Sandy Sorlien

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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:awning depth, building height, fence/wall height, glazing percentage, lane width, lot width, porch depth, setback, sidewalk width

Annapolis - Awning Height/Depth

Annapolis - Awning Height/Depth

Annapolis - Porch

Annapolis - Porch

Conshohocken - Stories

Conshohocken - Stories

Duluth - Glazing

Duluth - Glazing

New Town - Awning

New Town - Awning

Newport - ROW

Newport - ROW

Phila - Frontage, Porch

Phila - Frontage, Porch

Phila - Awnings, Knee Wall

Phila - Awnings, Knee Wall

Phila - Awnings, Knee Wall

Phila - Awnings, Knee Wall

Phila - Lot Widths, Building Types

Phila - Lot Widths, Building Types

Phila- Frontage, Fence

Phila- Frontage, Fence

Phila - Fence, Lot Width

Phila - Fence, Lot Width

Phila - Lot Widths, Building Types

Phila - Lot Widths, Building Types

Sedalia - Sidewalk

Sedalia - Sidewalk

Sedalia - Sidewalk

Sedalia - Sidewalk

Yarmouth - Glazing

Yarmouth - Glazing

Phila - Glazing, Lot Width

Phila - Glazing, Lot Width

Phila - Glazing, Lot Width

Phila - Glazing, Lot Width