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Visitors 170
7 photos
Special Districts (SD) are areas that usually cannot or should not be regulated by normative Transect Zoning because of their special purpose or large size. Includes airports, railyards, shipyards, freight distribution centers, refineries, some university or hospital campuses, some large civic spaces (parks, greenways, sports complexes).

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Sponsored by
Center for Applied Transect Studies (CATS)
Photographed by
Sandy Sorlien

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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:industrial, manufacturing, shipping, transportation

Annapolis, Maryland SD CB

Annapolis, Maryland SD CB

Apalachicola, Florida SD

Apalachicola, Florida SD

Chicago, Illinois SD

Chicago, Illinois SD

Gary, Indiana SD

Gary, Indiana SD

Green River, Wyoming SD

Green River, Wyoming SD

Lowell, Massachusetts SD

Lowell, Massachusetts SD

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania SD

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania SD