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Visitors 1060
42 photos
Parks, Greenways, Greens, Squares, Plazas, Pocket Parks, Community Gardens, and Playgrounds. The Transect Zone will be identified in the image.

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Sponsored by
Center for Applied Transect Studies (CATS)
Photographed by
Sandy Sorlien

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Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory:Urban Life
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:agrarian urbanism, bicycle, bike, bridge, community garden, garden, green, greenway, multi-use trail, park, path, playground, plaza, pocket park, recreation, river, square, trail, urban agriculture

Apalachicola, Florida T3

Apalachicola, Florida T3

Brasov, Romania T5

Brasov, Romania T5

Chicago, Illinois T6

Chicago, Illinois T6

Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth, Minnesota T5

Duluth, Minnesota T5

Hibbing, Minnesota T3

Hibbing, Minnesota T3

Holiday, Boulder, Colorado T4

Holiday, Boulder, Colorado T4

Jamestown, Rhode Island T3

Jamestown, Rhode Island T3

Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland T5

Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland T5

Marblehead, Massachusetts

Marblehead, Massachusetts

Miami, Florida

Miami, Florida

Montgomery, Alabama

Montgomery, Alabama

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Town, St. Charles, Missouri T4 CS

New Town, St. Charles, Missouri T4 CS

New Town, St. Charles, Missouri T4 T3 CS

New Town, St. Charles, Missouri T4 T3 CS

New York, New York

New York, New York

New York, New York

New York, New York

New York, New York

New York, New York